Saturday 11 September 2010

Colour Me Bad

Fianlly decided what colour to paint my new room in Bristol.
After options such as blue and red, I came to a happy medium of purple =)

Too many options =/
 I tell you waht though....It was bloody expensive!!!
They had to specially mix it for me costing just over £18 =(
The colour looked really cool though after it was done..better than I thought it would.

Also found this really cute rug, but had to leave it at the shop =(

Couldn't afford it!
 Ahhh I love it!
Mum said she'll get it  for me next week...That means noting really, so I ain't getting ma hopes up!

Hopefully painting on tuesday, so you'll get to see all the befores and afters =)

Laters =)

Friday 10 September 2010

The Edge of A Cliff

After months of having my brother on ma case to start a blog...Hey Mr Arnstein, Here I am!

It would be very fitting for me to title my 1st post "The Edge of A Cliff".

For those of yout that are not aware, its the title of a song by The Streets. The chorus goes as follows...

For billions of years since the outset of time
Every single one of your ancestors survived
Every single person on your mum and dad's side
Successfully looked after and passed on to you life.
What are the chances of that, like?
It comes to me once in a while
And everywhere I tell folk it gets the best smile.

Pretty self explanatory.
It never fails to put thing into perspective for me.

Hopefully, this blog will get better by each post...Hopefully.